My Classes

Please choose from the options below to see the details about the class plans.


Personal Yoga

Personal Yoga Classes help you to focus more on personal goals. The class is based on personalized routine keeping in mind your unique goals like strength development, flexibility ,and meditation goals.

Personal Online Yoga Classes

Whether you are too far to attend Yoga Classes regularly or not comfortable following online video tutorials, yoga classes on video calls is a simple solution that would help you keep confident and regular about your practice.


Group Offline Yoga Classes

Whether you are too far to attend Yoga Classes regularly or not comfortable following online video tutorials, yoga classes on video calls is a simple solution that would help you keep confident and regular about your practice.

Group Online Yoga Classes​

Whether you are too far to attend Yoga Classes regularly or not comfortable following online video tutorials, yoga classes on video calls is a simple solution that would help you keep confident and regular about your practice.


Yoga for a family

Whether you are too far to attend Yoga Classes regularly or not comfortable following online video tutorials, yoga classes on video calls is a simple solution that would help you keep confident and regular about your practice.

Brands I have worked with

Some memories of my work

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